We are dedicated to empowering new Mothers with comprehensive postpartum care. We provide a place for Mothers to evolve - emerging revitalised, empowered and deeply connected to their new family unit. Postpartum Depression affects the way a mother bonds with her newborn, possibly leading to future problems for the child. Children with early positive mother-child interactions had 50% lower rates of anxiety and depressive symptoms in adolescence. Statistically, 1 in 5 Mothers experience a Perinatal Mood Disorder. 1 in 10 Fathers experience this, too. From the Australian Mothers we asked… 82% of new mums underestimated how hard it would be to be a mother. 65%had to engage a sleep or breastfeeding consultant or therapist. 90% wish they had more help right after they gave birth. 85% experienced conflicting advice & found it hard to decide what to do. 50% experienced Postpartum Depression or Anxiety symptoms. Our belief is unyielding: when mothers are nurtured, families flourish. Borne empowers mothers to heal and discover their strength, minimising postnatal challenges and fostering a harmonious beginning for every new family. Join The Borne Movement